Help learn diff.between SS and Tube

I am auditioning an Anthem Amp 2 (a Hybrid amp) and it will be a change from my SS Marantz MA 500s in a bi-amp config. I have not had the Anthem more than a few hours (the amp is broke in) and I think right off the bat the Anthem seems to have less bass than my SS. The bass seems to be there, my room shakes, but its not as something, I can't put my finger on it, less "punchy?" Can someone pleez tell me the differences typical of tube and ss amps. Thanks. m-
Thank you guys, I have done some placement, and repositiong of acoustic panels, as well as re-tweeked my Lexicon, and I found the sweeet spot, and I think also got used to the "tubey" bass. It does not have the impact as you say, but I think the quality difference is more smooth in the Anthem. The highs and mids are just incredible. Thank you for helping with your suggestions, they really paid off!!! Can't wait to try different tubes just to see....
philefreak: thank you for at least acknowledging that mid-fi tube amps provide "inaccuarte" bass. i'm confident that you also realize that high-end ss amps are as "holographic," if not more so, as like-priced tube amps. plus, the ss amps are quieter, less expensive to operate and don't require constant tweeking. as to mdomnick's post: no, you ain't gonna get a whole lot of bass punch outta the anthem; this doesn't mean that the anthem's "more accurate" than a similarly priced ss amp, just that its distortion curve is different.
How to tell ? Well in general, if sounds good it's a tube amp, otherwise it's probably a solid state amp. Just kidding ( a little ) . Tube amps have a certain liveness to the sound, a little more 'thereness', like the performer is in your room. To hear it, listen to an electric guitar solo, a solo with a wood instrument (like a cello), and a vocal. Next listen to a ss amp in the same system. The notes with the tube amp will have a certain 'ring' to them. Imagine the sound of a wood guitar being played before and after a coat of paint is applied to it. It rings less after the paint is applied. My amps are actually solid state.
Cornfed- I think we all know that you prefer your ss to tubes, but I'd like to know what "high-end" tube amps that you've lived with - not necesarily expensive, but high-end in terms of sound quality. This is not meant as a put down, just that I'd like to know your references for your position. I've been in audio for nearly twenty years and have owned too many ss and tube amps to list. There are plenty of poor to average sounding tube equipment out there. However, to my ears, ss (even very expensive) just doesn't cut it longterm. Yes, ss is (usually) less "interactive" in terms of tweeking, but sonically I find it less emotionally involving and far less holographic as well. My experiences with Krell, Classe, Symphonic Line, Spectral, Goldmund and Gryphon have all been enjoyable, but I always end up with tubes. Again, I'm not discounting your sonic preference, just wondering about your past tube experiences.
I have yet to hear a good ss amp be as holographic as a good tube amp. A conventional tube amp is not as holographic as SET amps. SS lacks life and energy compared to SET amps. Listen to Jota, Viva, Wyetech to name a few. SS bores me silly in comparison. I don't know if it is in the small dynamic contrast or what but ss always leaves me thinking of something else other than the music.