
What is the best sounding, surround, speaker setup available?
What ever your budget it seems to help an HT system to have the same basic brand of speakers all the way around. (for example having B&W 600 series all around with a CC6 center). This way the sounds and voices will be consistant all around you.
The top of the line B&W Nautilus Series comes with speakers for all HT applications including center channel, so if money is no object, give them a listen. Also get a good powered subwoofer that matches the quality of whatever speakers you get.
Take a look at Paradigm reference active. Couple this with a Antheum AVM2 preamp and balanced leads....an awsome combination.
I think a martin setup makes for a nice ht. A little pricey, but very transparent and detailed. Sub is a must if you want to make the room move. good luck pete
If your on a Budget take a listen to the Energy Take 5, and the Definitive Technology ProCinema 100. Both under 1200 for the complete package. The Take 5 runs about 850 but I recommend to go with one of Energy's bigger subs. If you have a bigger budget. NHT, B&W, Atlantic Technologies, make really good mid-priced systems. If you don't care how much you spend, give the aerial acoustics (With 10T's as mains) a listen. You'll be blown away. I was anyways. Good luck.
For 1,500 the B&W gear sounded rather nice and nht does make for some good sound also. Never had the pleasure of listening to AT or energy, but I was impressed with the sound that came from the small B&W monitors. good luck..