TV/DVD Setup Disc

Which setup disc is recommended - AVIA or Video Essentials and why? Thanks.
Just to add to what Snooker14 says; These discs are just to get you in the door. Many/most all tvs come so far out of wack;there is no way you can get close to isf standard. Me; I could take your remote and get 90percent of what these discs do.(without the disc) The convergence/ grey scale and color temp require you get into the the "service" menu for proper adjustments. I have one of these discs. If you are used to looking at a properly calibrated set;nothing else will do.
Avia is more difficult with Video Essentials being the "quick & dirty" method in comparison. Both will work and give you excellent results either way. I do own both of these and after letting a few "novices" borrow both to set their systems up, the general consensus was that they all like the Video Essentials better "cause it was easier to follow". My statements pertain strictly to the video calibration portion, so keep that in mind. I agree with George in that a well calibrated set is STUNNINGLY better than what most people settle for. Sean
I have a Panasonic 27" flat screen TV (about 2 years old). Would the discs above add anything to the set up menu I went through when I first got the TV?

Sean, I have a pioneer elite that I haven't calibrated yet, just using the avia disc myself. I get some occasional shadowing and posterization depending on the source, especially when the source is DVD. I think that is because it hasn't been calibrated properly. Is it true that you can't move the tv at all after the calibration? Thanks...
Yes, calibration will help with clearing up the pictures in both cases. As mentioned in other threads about these discs, some sources may come out looking better while others look worse. In other words, calibrating your DVD might make incoming broadcast reception look unnatural. You'll have to try it and see. I do know that a few tv's have individual calibrations for each input, giving you the ultimate in versatility and viewability.

As to moving an RPTV, that can throw a LOT more than just the calibrations out of whack. If not careful, you would have to have the guns re-aligned. Like with any other big and expensive gear, simply take your time and be careful. I haven't experienced any problems when having to move the TV for rewiring or cleaning.

Something to keep in mind that is not often discussed is that some RPTV's allow you to set the "convergence" via the remote while others don't. You'll have to read the manual and see. Either way, i don't think that anybody would want to abuse their tv to the point of throwing it completely out of whack.

The biggest problem with "calibrating" the tv's is that, when you lose power, your tv will reset itself to the factory defaults. Then you have to recalibrate all over again. As mentioned in another thread, you might want to take some quick notes as to where the settings are at so that you can "rough" things in without having to go through a complete "calibration" procedure using the disc again. Sean