need some advice,looking to purchase a widescreen tv,54 to 58 inches,max budget $4000.will be used mainly for HT.i was very impress with the 55 inch sharpvision and the pioneer 58 inch.the pioneer elite are great but to pricey.the mitsubichi big screens now offer future up-gradebility,but the picture,did not look as good as the regular pioneer or the sharpvison.thank you in advance for your advice.
Lross, the Toshiba "TW' are last years models the ones sabbiamj listed are the "HX" which are the new models. By the way Hitachi makes the lenses and components for the Toshibas, so give the HItachi's a look. I am currently looking at the Hitachi's and Toshibas and the Hitachi's are very nice.
I use a Hitachi ultra vision and when I went to by out of all the sets it had the best picture quality. And that was over two years ago and at the time I read that they where the leading company in big screens. And now they are better than mine so that has to awesome. Good luck
Thank you all for your excellent advice and recommendations,
I decided to go with the toshiba TW 56H80 it's a widescreen
model released in 2000,it was a close call against the hitachi,i preffered the picture on the toshiba by a small margin.the dealer where i purchased the toshiba happen to
have the pioneer elite pro610 side by side the toshiba
56h80,i will admit the pioneer had a better picture but buy
only a very small margin,the pionner elite being $thousands
more than either the toshiba or hitachi,the marginal improvment on the pioneer make the toshiba and hitachi a steal for the price.