Best Preamp under $5k??

I think around $5k is the reflection point of value/price ratio for preamps--or mostly any audio equipment maybe except speakers--where beyond this point, you would have to spend thousands more to improve just a little. What is the best preamp under $5k--tube or solid state?? Some popular ones are sf line 3, bat vk5i, arc ls25, simaudio p-5, plinius m16. Personally I have a cj pfr which I like quite a bit, but sooner or later it will be upgraded...
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Bezeemya; the LS25 does have a detachable power cord. Do you have a different preamp?
I agree with Cornfedboy. I think you can find significantly better preamps than BAT or ARC at the >5k level, although I must admit to not having heard the VK-30SE. If you can, listen to an Ayre K-1 or K-1X, a Hovland HP-100, an Aesthetix Callisto, or a CAT, and then let me know if these don't offer "significant" improvement. To me, although these products all sound different, these are the top of the line in preamps and set the standard for tonality, neutrality and musicality. In the right system with otherwise excellent electronics, they will make a huge difference which, in my opinion, is worth it regardless of the difference in cost. The Hovland is quite "cheap", especially if you don't need the phono section. I think without phono, it comes in just at 5k new. There are many people who have heard it who consider it the best of all. At this level, what is best is pretty subjective. I would definitely try to at least A/B the Hovland under the best conditions possible before buying ARC or BAT.
If you already have an PFR and like it, you might find the sound of the ARC's a bit thin when compared with the warmth of the CJ. If it suits your tastes sonically, then it'll likely make a fine addition to your system. If not, I might suggest giving the CJ 17LS a spin. It has the notable CJ sound but is a sweeter than the PFR and has much larger soundstage. Cheers...
My vote is the Hovland HP100. The sound is simply liquid and musical. Looks wise, IMHO it betters the CJ and Joule Electra. Just wish that it has remote control.