Classe vs. Sonic Frontiers

I currently own a Classe 5 Pre and power combo. I am wondering if changing the pre to a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 or greater would be a huge improvement. Also would be interested in the phono 1 to replace the internal phono in the Classe. If anyone has experience using Sonic and Classe let me know what your findings are. I am powering Proac speakers with this setup.
i haven't heard either of these, but if yure considering a change, proac recommends the arc 100.2 amp & the ls-16 or ls-25 preamp. i've heard the proac 2.5's w/the 100.2 & the ls-16, & it sounds great.
I have own both and auditioned them against one another. Classe CAP80 vs. Sonci Frontiers SFS-80. I have previous owned an SFC-1 sig. integrated tube amp and preferred it over many solid state amps. I was amased that the perforamnce of these two were very close in many aspects. It took concentrated listening to find their differences. That how subtle the differences were. Recently the CAP80 have received favorable resommendation by Stereophile. Either way your the winner!
Thank you for all of your responses. Regarding the ARC equipment, I have priced their stuff out and they are way too expensive. Sonic Frontiers stuff seems reasonable on the net, and actually I recently saw an add for VTL 2.5 linestage. If anybody had any opinions on this unit vs. the Sonic I would love to hear. I have no local VTL dealer. Thanx again...
If you would like to already fogus on buying Sonic Frontiers Line-1 just go ahead and get one for yourself and that's good thing. if you ask, should it improve your system? I'm not so sure but I really think it should sound better overall as I did audition both pre. I prefered Sonic Frontiers Line-1 over Classe`5 pre.
I have a Sonic Frontiers line 2, my friend had a VTL 2.5 we tried with many various systems. He sold the VTL at a great loss, I still have my pre-amp and plan to keep it for quite some time.