Best Sounding Solid State Amp?

Shopping for a high-end solid state amp. Any advice is welcome.
You did not indicate a price range, so I'll offer several options: Expensive amps (by my standards): 1. Ayre K-1 - very musical and smooth. Of the more expensive solid state amps I've heard, this is at the top of my personal list. 2. Moon W-5: a Canadian bargain. Medium-priced amps: 1. Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks Moderately-priced amps: 1. Bryston 4B-ST 2. Aragon 8088BB
If you have a chance look into the Sims W-5 amp Very well built and excellent reviews If lucky you might find a used one for about half the price I own one matter of fact I was so impressed with the line I bought the p-5 preamp and eclipse cd player Thanks
In my previous post, I failed to list Electrocompaniet's flagship amp. Mucho bucks, but an outstanding performer.