Best used preamp for around $1000. . .

I currently own a McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe. I love its sound (or lack thereof) in many ways, but I am finding I really miss they dynamics of active designs. Can anyone give me some good recommendations for used amps around the $1000 price point? Two that obvious come to mind to me are the Adcom GFP-750 and the Musical Fidelity A3 CR, but there must be plenty more!!! Thanks in advance for the ideas. . .
Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiolaw
try a melos sha-gold/gold reference or sha maestro (latest version of gold reference). i heard the gold a few years ago, it was great! i ended up buying the top-model, the 2-box (linestage) ma-333/music director.
I would recommend the McCormack DNA-1 active pre-amp which can be purchased within your price target. Then somewhere down the line you could send it to Steve McCormack to be upgraded, at which point you will have a pre-amp that would compete with many class A pre-amps.