Best used preamp for around $1000. . .

I currently own a McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe. I love its sound (or lack thereof) in many ways, but I am finding I really miss they dynamics of active designs. Can anyone give me some good recommendations for used amps around the $1000 price point? Two that obvious come to mind to me are the Adcom GFP-750 and the Musical Fidelity A3 CR, but there must be plenty more!!! Thanks in advance for the ideas. . .
Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiolaw
I would recommend the McCormack DNA-1 active pre-amp which can be purchased within your price target. Then somewhere down the line you could send it to Steve McCormack to be upgraded, at which point you will have a pre-amp that would compete with many class A pre-amps.
Take a look at the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A. I have seen them recently (without high gain gold phono board) for as little as $900.($2400. new) on this forum. I own one with the gold phono board and it is one outstanding dynamic preamp. Stereophile rated it Class A up until 1 issue ago(deleted only because they hadn't auditioned in a long time.) Good luck.
Check out a BAT VK 3i or the VK 20, both great pre-amps, the 3i is tube and the 20 is SS. I would be wary of the Melos product, as customer service is a bear and you may not have the best luck with QC. Also on a short list, the Audible Illusions Mod 3A, which has dual volume pots, something I love!
Audiolaw, 2 great preamps i would recommend to you, are the Classe DR6 Preamp. This is a great preamp. Someone on Audiogon is selling it for 900 dollars. Its listed for 3000 dollars. Another great preamp i would recommend to you, is the Perreaux SM3 preamp. This preamp is from the late 80s. This preamp sounds very natural. Someone on Audiogon was selling it for 400 dollars. It listed for 1800 dollars. Here's the link to that add.