Best used preamp for around $1000. . .

I currently own a McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe. I love its sound (or lack thereof) in many ways, but I am finding I really miss they dynamics of active designs. Can anyone give me some good recommendations for used amps around the $1000 price point? Two that obvious come to mind to me are the Adcom GFP-750 and the Musical Fidelity A3 CR, but there must be plenty more!!! Thanks in advance for the ideas. . .
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If you like extreme high rez and you already possess a set of high rez speakers, then I recommend a used Spectral DMC-10 for under 1K in excellent shape. Spectral owners tend to be meticulous about their equipment. Plus their service dept. is suberb!! They will tune it up for under 200 bucks. If you like a warmer sound, then stick with cj or ARC, because service will become a factor sometime in a tube component lifetime. If it does not work almost of the time then what is its worth???
I haven't heard anyone comment about the Adcom GFP-750. What do people think about it? I've read the reviews, but I would hope to get a plurality of opinions about it. Of course, my ears will be the deciding factor, but thoughtful opinions are always appreciated!!!
If you can find one, I've heard good things about the Musical Design SP2-B. I just picked up a used one for well under your cap and had it sent directly to Musical Designs for a tune up and some tweaking; total still under $1000 including interconnects.