Re-Tubing A Sonic Frontiers Pre Amp

Has anybody had any experience re-tubing a Line One, Two or Three? If so, what kind of tubes did you use and what results did you get?
The are many tubes out there you can consider to replace the standard 6922 tubes that comes with your SF line preamp such as mullards, nos, and etc. It really depends on the sound that you're looking to achieve. I recently re-tubed my line two with valvos. The bass is tighter and the highs and mid range are quicker. Hope this helps.
If I were you, I would also call Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio (909-931-9686). He is a true professional that will give you excellent advise (IMHO). He has never let me down.
Retube SFL 3 with Amperex JAN (Joint Army Navy) 7308 "white letter". Detailed, better bass, deeper soundstage, to my ears the "Best". NOTE: Only 2 tubes are needed, no matter if you are using SFL 1, 2 or 3.