Sunfire Theater Grand 1, to buy or not to buy...

I have the opportunity to purchase a Sunfire Theater Grand 1 for 900.00 I know the Grand 2 is out and I am wondering if this is a bad idea and if so, why? I am on somewhat of a limited budget but dont want to get too far behind the curve to save a few bucks. If someone could share with me the difference between the 2 models I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Last I heard, the III will be coming out in the not too distant future. I believe (and you'll have to verify with sunfire, which has an OK website) that you'll be able to upgrade a II to a III, but not a I to a III, so the obsolesence might be a factor. I own the II, which I'm satisfied with. I've heard it's a big sonic improvement over the original, but I've never actually heard the original.
the one is excellent,I had the one for two years ,moved on to a two for a few reasons,one the larger display,the other having the ability to play my rears with my fronts in two channel with separate volume control.sonically the one was as good or a tad smoother in my system,just wanted those features i described, for 900 a steal. regards mike.
StereoTimes ( archives (about November 2000 as I recall) has a review of the Grand II, but the same review talks aboout the Grand I. Maybe worth a look.