Sub and LFE settings on Surround Processor

I am trying to tweak my home theater subs and am intertested in the groups experience with the sub and lfe settings. My surround processor has the capability of adjusting both for a variety of equipment including dvd,dish, cd ect. I am trying to get a feel for the balance between lfe and sub as well as the Hz for the crossover. Presently I have theater set 80Hz and the music at 60Hz. I would appreciate any input.
I wasted a lot of time on this issue, but finally realized that different recordings have been mastered in such different ways that there really is no best setting. I have a nominal setting that comes up automatically when I turn things on, but if it doesn't sound right I am quick to adjust the settings.
80hz is fine for movies, LFE are boom and bang anyway. For music you can't get away with the boom and bang thing. If you can set your processor at one set point for movies and another set point for music then you are all set. For music, find the point where your speakers roll off big time in the bass, set the crossover as close to that point as you can get, buy a cheap spl meter from radio shack at the very least to set up. The idea is to bring the bass in were the other speakers leave off, this point is always near the point of spl. fall off of the main speakers. If you set to high you will have to much bass, if you set to low , you could leave a hole with no sound in that range until the sub kicks in. You must work very hard at it to be happy, I have a hate/love thing with subs.
My speakers are Magnepan 1.6 which are not known for LF response, but, to my surprise, actually do measure flat to about 40 Hz. Accordingly I started out with the SW crossover at 65 Hz. However, I now obtain better results at 90Hz. I conclude that, although the MG 1.6 can do it down to 40 Hz, they are working too hard at it. Moving the crossover frequency up to 90 Hz gets rid of a lot of diaphram flapping around which doubtless degrades fidelity at higher frequencies. What I am suggesting is that the crossover criteria can be how high your SW can go (with good sound) instead of how low your main speakers can go.
I suggest you experiment a bit.
Very good point Eldartford, speakers such as Magnepan, Apogee or other full range ribbon speakers do have deep bass responce, and do require huge force from amp which can degrade sound. My speakers are 9 driver/15inch active/15inch passive/12inch active/ 4ohm and 91db., they sound best rolled in full range in my case. Your suggestion to experiment both ways would be best.