Thiel and Jeff Rowland

Any thoughts on Jeff Rowland (concentra integrated or model 10) amp + Thiel 3.6 speakers as a combination. I am also considering using an ML 335?
Don't know if you saw these yet ???May be worth looking into?
thanks again for the feedback, the good kind. i wrote a note to thiel asking this question. if i hear anything ill let you know.
I wholeheartedly agree with others who recommended the Krell KSA-150 (which I have) and the 250 amp with the 3.6s. Great presence and soundstage with that combination. Now I'm looking for the right preamp to run the Krell in balanced mode. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I own the Jeff Rowland Concentra integrated connected to ProAc 2.5 speakers (Meridian 508.20) and like this combination. I have owned Thiel speakers before and they are complex and do not sound good with all amplifiers. Please listen before you buy. cheers.....