Budget progressive DVD players

I see Sony has the NS7000P; Panny has an RP-91.These lil' suckers have great reviews;and sell for 2 hundred bucks(close). Sure for the $$ the video is great.--But how about the sound??--No,can't afford a "Round table" at this time. Any owners of these or similar players / and how they compare to some of the more expensive ones;sound wise?
You could get the Pioneer DV434 or whatever the current entry progressive model is and send it to Stan Warren for modification. The player is around $350 I think; and the Mod is about $250.
Panasonic's RP-56 puts out a wonderful progressive picture using Faroudja's DCDi processing. It can be found for as little as $220. The sound quality is also very good.
Thanks for the input guys. BTW,the place I got the prices was onecall.com (both near 200) The Pany has the chip-only;while the Round Table has the entire DCDI board.I have a friend who had a budget Sony 5cd player modified by Stan; and he is delighted.(To say the least) I hate waiting 3/4 weeks to get things back.Once I make up my mind:" I want it NOW!!" --I thank you for the idea sugarbrie;I hadn't thought about it.