Do I really need a preamp?

I am considering another preamp to go with my CJ 2200. Am thinking about a CJ pre to go with it. However since my main source for listening is a cd player which has variable output, why do I need a good preamp. I have an Adcom GTP 450 tuner/preamp which will do the job for radio, tapes, etc. That said, how can I run cd and pre into the amp? As always, your help is appreciated.
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You should check out a passive unit, it will add almost nothing to the sound but will add the source switching you need. Check out the kit from
You don't have to have a pre-amp with a variable output digital system. Alot of people think it's best not to add another layer of curcuit into the chain. I have done it both ways and tend to like what a pre-amp adds to the sound. I realize I'm adding something and in the best systems that's bad, but in the systems I can afford I feel it sounds better with a pre-amp. I use a tube pre with a solid state amp, I think the tube adds some warmth and sounds less digitial. I would suggest trying a pre-amp for a week-end if possible and switching back and forth. As far as hooking up both I don't know the right way, I can imagin some set-up but I will leave that one to others. J.D.
I played around with the variable connection out of the Levisnon 39 and passive preamps. To really get the max out of your speakers (especially if they are dynamic speakers) you will always need a good active preamp for the dynamics and soundstage. Also, good power cords like the maganan reference and whale elite add to it. That's a whole other forum discussion. There are no short cuts at this level in hi-end audio.
Although off topic a bit, in my opinion anything that you add will color the sound. It just depends if you like the way the end result sounds. I find it that way for interconnects speaker cable, digital cable, power cords, amp, preamp, changing tubes, etc. Some are more transparent; some sound better, all color to varying degrees.