wanna know my right

I bought a used pre/pro from a dealer based on the fact that the unit has been factory upgraded for dts, I was told. After taking it home, I learned that the dts was not upgraded. I brought it back to the dealer, and they verified my claim that the unit does not have dts upgrade. They offered me a full refund. The dealer was at least honest.

However, I wonder if I have some right to have them dts-upgrade the unit. I spent one day listening to that unit and finally liked it. I went through a very hard decision to buy it (the unit was not cheap to my standard). I want the unit with upgrade as the original deal. Not the refund with my day/mood wasted. Am I asking too much ?

Have you asked for the upgrade? They seem like nice people. Maybe you can come to some arrangment.
Looks like I sounded greedy,(maybe I was).

First of all, I did not take the refund. The day I brought the unit back to the dealer, instead of taking the refund, I asked them to see if they can upgrade it. They said they were going to look how much it would cost them to upgrade. 3 days later, I called them, and they said it is too costly for them to upgrade it, again offering take-it or refund. I did not hear any single appology from them, though that may not have to do with this deal.

I wanted the unit with upgrade, and was under perception that they are responsible for the upgrade because that was the a part of reason I made the original deal. Maybe I was wrong, and I am glad I asked people here. I am just gonna take the refund, and shop somewhere else even if I end up buying the same stuff. No I am not willing to pursue my right to the "benefit of bargain". Just want good sound asap :) Happy holidays.

PS: I still think they ought to upgrade the unit at their cost per my request.

kslim: your claim is quite likely barred by the precepts of "accord and satisfaction," "waiver and estoppel" and "novation," among others. there's a lesson to be learned here that i must teach 'most every day: ask for advice BEFORE you make a deal, not AFTER. -cfb
Your rights don't matter much, as they're hard to enforce. But if it were me, if I thought it was an honest mistake, I'd let it go. If not, I would probably tell the dealer that I thought he was intentionally misrepresenting the product and was going to inform the distributor or manufacturer -- distributors/manufacturers probably don't want dishonest dealers.