CITATION 7.1 vs. EAD 500

Opinions between the two multi channel amps. Just out of curiosity, why would a company design a 4 channel vs. a 5 channel amp. How would one match a 4 channel without getting another identical 4 channel. Has anyone made the comparison between the CITATION 7.1 & EAD 500.
I can't speak for either company. I've owned three Citation 7.1's which I used bi-amped for the fronts and center, utilizing six channels. I then used four other channels for the sides and rears. My intent was to increase the detail and impact of the amps. I did that by buying one EAD 2000. I use a Pioneer M-91 for the side channels. Works loads better. More slam, more detail, truer tonality. In all, the Citations were mild mannered and well behaved. The 2000 just gets the job done right.
I have owned both amps. To my ears the EAD is the more accurate of the 2 as far as being "musical" but the Citation has better low end punch and control. If I were to buy them all over again knowing the differences between the 2 I would choose the EAD. If you had any extra funds availabe now or in the immediate future it would be worth you time to invest into a EAD PM1000. Hands down better than the other 2. Good luck!
I really liked the Citation 7.1 THX amp and used it to bi-anp my front speakers and it sounded great but did leave a hole for the center channel. I purchased an EAD PM 1000 and love it. More depth and bass as well as more power and channels. Spend the extra $$ to get a PM 1000, the comments on the PM 500 I've read are good but may be underpowered depending on your system.