I would look at the new Denon line starting in around 600
for the 2200 the 2900 at a 1000 and the new 5900 at 2000
or you may also look at the Pioneer Elite (i believe) the 545 at 500 or the 47ai at 1000. Yes by all means get one that does cd/dvd-v/dvd-a/sacd/sacd5.1 another good choice is the Marantz DV8400. Stay away from the Intregra stuff the sound quality is fairly poor on the music media.
for the 2200 the 2900 at a 1000 and the new 5900 at 2000
or you may also look at the Pioneer Elite (i believe) the 545 at 500 or the 47ai at 1000. Yes by all means get one that does cd/dvd-v/dvd-a/sacd/sacd5.1 another good choice is the Marantz DV8400. Stay away from the Intregra stuff the sound quality is fairly poor on the music media.