2 amps with same speakers NON-Biamp ??

This is a 'what-if' that keeps popping up in my head: You have a preamp with 2 sets of main outs. One set is connected to stereo amp A(SS), the other to stereo amp B(tube). Each amp is connected to the same pair of speakers in normal(non-biamp, non-biwire) fashion. When I want to listen to rock/pop I could fire up the system and amp A only. For more gentle/refined music I would turn on amp B instead. I wonder if this has been done or is doable or wise. My concern is that the output stages of the amps would interact with each other and degrade the sound or worse, i.e. damage one another.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcowman
You would have to rig up some type of switchbox or relay device to achieve this without doing damage to the unused amp or massive degradation to the signal. There is no easy way around this other than hooking and unhooking each time that you wanted to change the system. Sean
I would think for the price of two seperate amplifiers you could buy one that would out perform the other two under all conditions.