Can you receive hdtv signals on dig. cable?

Was wondering if you still need the externally mounted dish to get hdtv on digital cable. I have the round non-hdtv Dish network dish. Would seem simple to switch over to dig. cable and get a set top receiver to get hdtv signals. Don't want to buy another oval dish if i don't have to. Any recommendations?
Sd- My experience was the same as yours and I changed over to DSS with basic analog cable for local channels. However, its not a very user friendly set-up. Lots of remotes, and complicated by the fact that most universals do not control all the functions on my Loewe TV and I've not mastered the art of programming my Pronto, which does. I did get an oval dish when I had the DSS installed, which I would strongly recommend. I also recommend paying for a real installer, not the hacks that do the "free professional install with one year agreement". They will mount the dish to the closest, lowest spot they can find, even if its the railing on your front porch. Very attractive.
direct TV currently broadcast HDTV on less than 5 channels at this time, dish network has 5 also.
mejames: and that's 5 more than you can get on cable. BTW, i don't think you're counting the "big 4" or 5 in your calculation, nor the premium sports channels. -cfb
hi It is possible for cable to do HD but they are using the digital technology to increase the number of channels rather than the quality of picture. $$$$$$ talks. I think at best digital cable`s picture quality equals that of regular satellite. I sell electronics and have heard complaints from customers who believed the cable hype about digital quality. And the price keeps going up.
hi It is possible for cable to do HD but they are using the digital technology to increase the number of channels rather than the quality of picture. $$$$$$ talks. I think at best digital cable`s picture quality equals that of regular satellite. I sell electronics and have heard complaints from customers who believed the cable hype about digital quality. And the price keeps going up.