Help needed to make processor decision.

There are no dealers in my area that carry any of these processors:

Meridian 568
Classe SSP 75
Bryston SP-1
California Audio Labs CL 2500 SSP

I have read many good reviews about each but, since I can't audition any of them I need your help to decide which one would work best in my system. I am hoping to reduce the brightness I hear from the tweeters on my NHT 3.3s. Here are the components in my system to consider:

Classe 25 two channel amp (250 watts)
Wadia 20 CD transport
Wadia 25 DAC
NHT 3.3s
Cardas Golden Cross XLR Interconnect (DAC to Classe amp)
Cardas Golden Cross bi-wire speaker cable

I plan on removing the Wadia 25 DAC and routing the Wadia 20 CD transport to the new processor.
The video inputs on the Classe 75 would be nice but, not necessary.

Thanks for your input.

Thanks for the advice but, I am looking for a unit that has balanced outputs for the L & R mains.

You have yourself a great list of components there. You are talking about a significant investmemt in the ever changing HT processor market. I strongly suggest you somehow fine an dealer close to you to audition some of components you listed even if you have to drive a distance. Or one that will allow a home audtion if you pay for shipping. The list of processors you have there are quite good. You could add the likes of EAD or Lexicon to that list as well. I am sure many others on this site could argue each of the benefits of each component, but you must please yourself no matter what anyone suggests.

I am responding to your question because I have a full NHT set up including the 2.9's not quite the 3.3, but I do not have the room for larger speakers. None the less I do not have the problem you have with auditioning equipment. I have found the new Sunfire II processor works very well with NHT as well as the Classe SSP75 which is better in two channel then Sunfire. In HT the Lexicon MC-1 was great , but for two channel it lack the finesse in my system. I ended up with the EAD TM signature. Fantastic in two channel which is what I do most and very good in HT. You can get these at very good prices used. That was another reason for going that route.

I did not see you 5 channel amp option, but depending on the size of your room I'd seriously consider EAD PM500 or PM1000 for surrounds. Your two channel amp is fine although more current is always better for NHT's. Or bi-amp them with two of the PM1000 channels and your Classe.

Just a thought.

Why don't you try a B&K REF 30? I own a B&K 3090, I purchased it from a fried who has NHT 3.3s front & rear, also their latest center channel. It is definitely not a bright sounding processor. It also has excellent bass-management...

I agree, Lexicon should be considered seriously as well as Theta Digital Casanova. Both are available pre-owned at great prices. I had a Lexicon DC-1 then moved to the Casanova.
6 years ago I tried a Lexicon and although it was good
for surround sound it sucked for 2 channel music.
I just got a classe spp 25 3 days ago and I am amazed.
Brand new, half price on ebay.
As for your brightness problems I took care of all that and more by putting a z-systems rdq-1 in between the transport and preamp.
This is a great music preamp, and it does sorround sound.
The 75 is suppost to be better yet.
If multi channel is more important to you than music, your mileage may very.,Preamplifier/Class%C3%A9,SSP25/PRD_118239_2719crx.aspx

Thats my 2 cents.
Hope this helps.