Parasound vs. Bryston

I am currently looking into acquiring either a Bryston 4B ST amp or a Parasound HCA 3500 amp to power a pair of Paradigm Studio 100's. Any thoughts, preferences, or experiances with either of these two amps? Thanks.
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I can't say I've heard that particular model by Parasound but have heard many models of their amps. I have also listened to the Bryston. With my speakers and associated equipment, I preferred the Bryston. I felt the Bryston had the speed, finesse and warmth that made the music more engaging. I do own some Parasound gear and respect the company but I have always found the Parasound amps to be a little sterile. I'm not sure what pre-amp you're using but the most important aspect of your decision will be how the amp matches with your preamp. I suggest you audition both if possible.
Never listened to Parasound. But I owned the 3bst for
1 1/2 yrs and it powered my martin logans pretty good. Good bass control, speed, good highs and a little laid back in the mids. 20 yr warranty to boot. thats hard to beat. true test will be as treyhoss has said audition with your equip........
According to John Curl, the designer of the Parasound amp in question, the HCA-3500 was "cut cornered" by the bean-counters. The parts that he spec'd for them to use were ignored and cheaper, more easily available pieces were substituted. Even with that being done, supposedly just changing two resistors will produce a completely new level of performance in these amps. I've been thinking of picking up one of these myself to play with, but i've got to get some other stuff straightened out first. As to the Bryston stuff, the 20 year warranty is AWESOME to say the least. After that, all that i can tell you is that you better listen first before buying. Sean