Parasound vs. Bryston

I am currently looking into acquiring either a Bryston 4B ST amp or a Parasound HCA 3500 amp to power a pair of Paradigm Studio 100's. Any thoughts, preferences, or experiances with either of these two amps? Thanks.
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I gave up a Class "A" Stereophile rated amp for a Bryston 4BST. O, I didn't mention that the amp was a tube amp rated at 125wpc. I don't regret it. The Bryston isn't just another muscle amp, but a very delicate, smooth, articulate amplifier which is very hard to beat for the money, and hard to beat period. What would I rather own? The 7BST, which is two 4BST's in mono. The only thing I don't like about the amp is the binding posts. You have to have thin spades or they won't fit. The posts are idiot proof however. It is going to be hard to short them out. Bottom line, buy them both, keep them several monoths, and sell the one which you like least. Jeff
I have listened to both in my system adn when it came down to purchasing one I went with the 3500. Although this post (mostly) disagrees with the majority of the other responses, it came down to the reproduction o fhigh frequencies. With the 4Bst the highs were just a little too shrill/electronic in comparison to the warmth of the Parasound on the upper end. As far a bass is concerned, Bryston amps have always been superb (accurate, meaty, full). This was my greatest worry about purchasing the 3500, would it be able to match the 4bst. IMO the answer is most certainly yes. The 3500 bass is accurate, ample and enjoyable. One area the 3500 simply excels is in the low volume listening, the first 15 watts are Class A. The sound at this level is clean and non-fatiguing...
As far as the Curl opinions, I have read this stuff a number of times and I believe that it is web myth. Curl cleared this up a while ago in Stereophile. I wouldn't base purchase decisions on this gossip.
Purchase price of approx. 1500$ ( makes the purchase more palatable, closer to the 3bst price. The 3500 is clearly a more enjoyable amp than the 3bst. No one can beat the 20 yr warranty of the Bryston, but the 10 year Parasound warranty is pretty good, too.
Associated equipment: B&W 801, 805s; Adcom 750 preamp, MIT cables, various sources.
Hope this helps.
Rx, i beg to differ. Mr Curl flatly stated that changing two resistors in the amp would take it several steps higher in performance. I have also been told this first-hand from his business partner, Bob Crump of CTC. Bob takes the standard Parasound 3500 and basically rebuilds / re-voices it to CTC spec. Once the 3500 has been built the way that John wanted it built in the first place, it is then called a CTC "BBQ" amp. They retail at about $5000 and are said to be quite awesome performing. I know that Bob sold a set to a gentleman in England that used these to replace a set of $40,000+ monoblocks. Sean
Sean is correct, this is not myth. And for those interested, Parasound is going to soon be producing a CTC monoblock version of the BBQ, designed by John Curl, Bob Crump and Carl Thompson, the people who make the Blowtorch preamplifier. This sounds like a phenomenal amp, with CTC given carte blanche as far as design and parts selection, and best yet, is going to be reasonably priced.