No. I think they have said this in the past. In their rating system separates are compared to separates and integrateds to integrateds. Class B separates are supposed to be better than Class B integrateds.
But that's still a rough guide, and reflects the opinion of Stereophile's reviewers. With your other equipment and your ears you might find a Class B integrated better than Class B separates. You might even find, as I have, Class C components better than Class B, and of course, there are lots of really fine components and speakers that havent been rated at all.
But that's still a rough guide, and reflects the opinion of Stereophile's reviewers. With your other equipment and your ears you might find a Class B integrated better than Class B separates. You might even find, as I have, Class C components better than Class B, and of course, there are lots of really fine components and speakers that havent been rated at all.