New Aragon Stage One Pre/Pro - Should I wait?

I'm in the process of upgrading my B&K Ref 30. I want something that is better with 2 channel music. My winner so far is the Integra Research RDC-7 which has been getting great reviews in both 2 ch and HT performance. But I guess there is a strong competitor coming up in March: the Aragon Stage One. Considering the great reviews the Soundstage got for 2 channel music, I was wondering if I should wait for the new Aragon. If it does have the same performance as the Soundstage and all the new features, such as DTS-ES, PLII, THX-Ultra 2 and others, it may be a better Pre-Pro than the Integra.

What do you think? What are your expectations on the new Aragon Pre-Pro? Is it possible to assume that it will overperform the Integra in the 2 channel field? Do you know where I can get further information on the Aragon Stage One?
I just got an email from one of the Aragon's dealers saying that it will not have balanced outputs! Too bad, at 4k I think it should have. The AVM 20 has it for around 3k. Considering that balanced inputs were one of the features I'm looking for in a Pre-Pro, I guess I'll have to go with the Integra.

Do you have any suggestions in the 4k price range?
If you have not purchased a processor yet....find a Soundstage(new approx.$2000)and in May they will upgrade it for $750, which will include all the bells and whistles. It has balanced and will most likely sound better than the Stage One.