Chiro 5.1 and C-800


I am hoping someone reading this has, has had, or has knowledge of the Chiro 5.1 processor. I have the C800 and 5.1 already, BUT...............

my 5.1 states DTS ready when everything else I have read about it states it is DTS.

I can not get DTS to play, and use the EAD TheaterVision, which is perfectly capable.

Connection is made with an optical.

What gives? Is it possible this is only DTS ready, in other words, needs a DVD player with DTS decoding (which seems ridiculous) or have I set it up incorrectly?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
The source player has to have DTS capability in order for the processor to work correctly. As such, if your EAD is not DTS capable, you will never get DTS out of the Chiro unit. Sean
The EAD is, but apparently, some of these 5.1's are only DTS ready where some are actually DTS. Mine is not!

Thanks fot the help!

Have you turned on the DTS output on your EAD? Usually machines come with dolby digital set to bitstream, but don't have the DTS output turned on. This saves people that don't have DTS playback from messing stuff up.
