Proceed, Aragon, Levinson, or other?

I am interested in a 2 ch. amp, I have a Carver AV505 AMP, a Marantz Pre-Amp and Energy C-4 speakers. I want an amp for both music (From Metal to Jazz) and movies. I am considering the Proceed AMP2, Aragon 4004 MK II, Acurus A150, and others. I want an AMP that will be a considerable jump over the Carver, a building block for future formats (7.1), and be an AMP that I won't want to upgrade for a long time. Are any of these listed in that ball park or should I save up for a while and get a used Levinson? I am having trouble justifing the money for a Levinson. If I buy a Levinson in the future, I won't have any money to buy the components to go with it. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance.
I am running Aragon 4004 MK II's bi amped and they sound
great through my Wisdom Audio Adrenaline 75's.
I know I would be better served with big Rowlands etc..
but after reading and talking to lot's of people that owned
Aragons, I decided that they would be a long term keeper amp
until I can afford the Rowlands or such.

The Aragons are 200 watts per channel, lots of bass punch
and can handle 2 ohm loads. Great buy for $800 -1k.

Buy one and forget about an amp for awhile!
Ton, I own a bat vk200(100watts) sounds more like 200watts, can be had for 1,800 demo'd. All balanced and I do love it. But sheadlee has a point, I would check out the stratos. I went to the website and the specs were pretty nice. Hell what ya got to loose 1k and a 20yr warranty.
Thanks for all of the advice, I've decided to try the Odyssey. I will let you know how I make out.