Rmml: Your situation sounded extremely fishy. Having dealt with you, i know that you would have done the "right thing", but it makes one wonder what the real deal really was. I have no doubt in my mind that you send a fully functional product. My guess is that one of the buyer's other subs was "smoked" and he was asking you to help pay for the repair. I guess that he was creative enough to figure out how to repair what he had without buying a bunch of OEM parts using his new sub ( your old sub ) as a reference, letting you "off the hook". This is pure speculation, but i've seen similar situations happen before.
Jeff: I am currently in a situation very similar to yours. I sold a digital component that has multiple functions. As such, i had never used some of those functions nor did i have the capacity to test them. I had used the unit for an extended period of time in various systems and it had performed flawlessly. I listed it for sale and a fellow Agon member purchased it from me.
When the unit arrived, the buyer hooked it up and was overjoyed with it. He was quite pleased with the unit, both cosmetically and sonically. A few days later, the buyer tried to make use of some of the other features of the unit that i had never used. Unfortunately, it would not work for him as he had planned. From what we could deduce, the problem appears to be relatively simple and it is electrical. As such, i offered to either refund his money or repair the unit, covering the cost of shipping both ways. The choice was his.
Having fell in love with the unit, he decided to have the unit repaired but did not want to do so right away. He was in the process of setting up a new system and this piece was somewhat central to the operation of it. Once he could get everything dialed in and make sure that everything else was okay, he would contact me and we would go from there.
Well, that was over a month ago. I just contacted the buyer to see where we were at and he told me he'd be ready to go soon. I have no problem with this as the gentleman has been completely reasonable throughout all of our dealings. He struck me as being completely sincere and totally honest. As such, i'm going to do what it takes to make things "right". I just hope that he picked up the same "vibe" from me that i did from him. If he did, he knows that i am not a "shyster", nor did i try to sell him a partially defective unit while trying to play dumb. It did have some flaws that i was aware of and made sure that he was aware of them prior to closing the deal.
I think that this is a matter of having to deal with each specific situation as it develops. While i don't think that any "reasonable" Agon member would expect to be able to return an item purchased from another individual just because it didn't measure up to their personal expectations or work well with their system, i do think that they SHOULD expect to be able to return an item if it is defective and / or damaged in transit. It is also not the buyers fault that what they received was damaged, so it is up to the seller to refund the money and deal with the insurance claim. I know that there are excruciating circumstances that come up from time to time, but hopefully, we are all adult enough to work our way out of the situations that we sometimes get ourselves into. Sean
Jeff: I am currently in a situation very similar to yours. I sold a digital component that has multiple functions. As such, i had never used some of those functions nor did i have the capacity to test them. I had used the unit for an extended period of time in various systems and it had performed flawlessly. I listed it for sale and a fellow Agon member purchased it from me.
When the unit arrived, the buyer hooked it up and was overjoyed with it. He was quite pleased with the unit, both cosmetically and sonically. A few days later, the buyer tried to make use of some of the other features of the unit that i had never used. Unfortunately, it would not work for him as he had planned. From what we could deduce, the problem appears to be relatively simple and it is electrical. As such, i offered to either refund his money or repair the unit, covering the cost of shipping both ways. The choice was his.
Having fell in love with the unit, he decided to have the unit repaired but did not want to do so right away. He was in the process of setting up a new system and this piece was somewhat central to the operation of it. Once he could get everything dialed in and make sure that everything else was okay, he would contact me and we would go from there.
Well, that was over a month ago. I just contacted the buyer to see where we were at and he told me he'd be ready to go soon. I have no problem with this as the gentleman has been completely reasonable throughout all of our dealings. He struck me as being completely sincere and totally honest. As such, i'm going to do what it takes to make things "right". I just hope that he picked up the same "vibe" from me that i did from him. If he did, he knows that i am not a "shyster", nor did i try to sell him a partially defective unit while trying to play dumb. It did have some flaws that i was aware of and made sure that he was aware of them prior to closing the deal.
I think that this is a matter of having to deal with each specific situation as it develops. While i don't think that any "reasonable" Agon member would expect to be able to return an item purchased from another individual just because it didn't measure up to their personal expectations or work well with their system, i do think that they SHOULD expect to be able to return an item if it is defective and / or damaged in transit. It is also not the buyers fault that what they received was damaged, so it is up to the seller to refund the money and deal with the insurance claim. I know that there are excruciating circumstances that come up from time to time, but hopefully, we are all adult enough to work our way out of the situations that we sometimes get ourselves into. Sean