PlayStation2 as budget DVD source: why/why not?

Anyone with experience on using Sony PlayStation2 as a DVD player? I won't have a need for progressive scan, but still value sound and picture quality within my under-$500 budget. I'd be using a Denon 3802 or 4800 reciever with Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs (and most likely the matching home theater speakers). Ease of use and features for the DVD setup are also features on which I would like feedback for the PS2. Thanks.
Only one first-person account, so take it with a grain of salt - a friend of mine used a PS2 as his DVD source for a while and had a lot of trouble with skipping DVD's. I finally convinced him to buy a decent Sony and all the same DVDs played flawlessly. Could easily be unit-specific, but may be noteworthy. -Kirk
I think You will want to buy the PS2 remote control to use the PS2 as your DVD. The PS2 joysticks & ladder menus are too cluncky in my opinion, unless you are going to start every DVD, and watch until it ends. Other than that, I haven't really noticed any difference between PS2 and my 3yr old Sony DVD player. Kthomas is correct that there are rumors of Data Read Errors (DRE) on some PS2. I have not experienced this yet.. but my hardware was a Xmas present. There are several DRE posts out on PS2 Users groups. The only other issue I have is with component video connections only, it appears that my TV screen is not centered only when playing video games - DVDs are fine. So for me, I run the Monster SVHS cable set. As for why to use -- why not spend ~$20 to have a DVD / CD / Game Console and use the machine for its capabilities and then decide if you don't like it -- just buy the remote from Best Buy and take it back if you don't like it. You might also want to scour Funco, Babbages, GameStop, etc. - They might have used RCs.
DVD players can be had for real cheap at Circuit City. I wouldn't rely on a Playstation to play movies, it wasn't designed to be pressed into active HT duty. PS2 as part of a quality HT set-up? Unlikely