Thanks for the input everyone.As far as the budget goes I am not sure yet,but will probably be somewhere around $400-$800 for fronts used and $3-400 for a matching center used and whatever needed for some rears.I currently have all klipsch speakers and I bought these intentionally for the theater,loud.I am running everything with a denon 3600 reciever and multiple powered subs.As time has went on,even with the klips only getting fired up maybe once a weekend the horns are getting to me,I know some better electronics would help those horns but I simply cannot justify the expense for once a week and maybe 4hours tops at that.Since I already have seperate subs the space thing wouldnt be a huge deal but the theater taking up less space I am sure would make the wife happy.Sc53,great suggestion but a wee bit out of my league.
Thanks Again
Thanks Again