Buying a used Pre-amp...Advice needed

I'm looking to buy a used pre-amp with a good sound. Here is my stiuation. I've been buying several DACs to compare them with my existing system and really amazed by how differences in sound each DAC makes. But I discovered that my Chiro C-802 DTS Processor do not have analog pass-through. That's mean, it convert analog to digital and then convert the signal back to analog again(Correct me if I'm wrong). So, while waiting for the Processor to be modified to get analog by-pass, I want to get a good pre-amp to listen to the music.

Now I need your suggestion for a used, good sounded pre-amp. It should not be an expensive one (around $400 used). Thanks in advance for your help.
Would agree with South43 on those selections. Have both the Anthem Pre1L and AES AE-1. Both great preamps for the money. Used around $500.
Thanks you guys for your inputs. Here is my personal preferences. I would like solid state preamp that sound sweet, detailed, and very involving (but not harsh). I mostly listen to instrumental Jazz so I need something that makes the music looks REAL and LIVEd. Hope it would help. If you guys can suggest the D/A that fits the above characteristic, it would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Consider looking for and Adcom. They are solid, good sounding units and there should be several for you to consider in the used listings. Good Luck, Doug
Try Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid, $499 in kit form.
This little thing really rocks...
Monarchy has just what you need..the model 33 DAC. It has a built in preamp and sounds very nice. Perfect for Jazz. Very musical and refined. Natural.