HT Processor Dilema w/ Aerial

OK, I know there are always loads of questions asking to compare on to another. Here goes:

My set up:

Aerial 10Ts, CC5, a pair of SW-12's, and the SR-3. DONE.
An Earthquake CineNova 5 channel amp (600 x 5). Maybe done.
Now, I currently have a Theta Casablanca I and a Proceed PAV/PDSD combo. I am trying to decide if I should lose both and go the Lexicon MC-1. It apparently is a good match with Aerial. But so is the Theta.

Any thoughts? So many options...............

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
Dan, I wanna help ya, but you'se goin' the wrong way.

A multi-channel amp and HT processer does not bode well for 10t. Problem with those darn HT processors is they gotta digitize every darn thing.

beemer (owner of Lexicon DC-1)
I am doing exactly as Mikec has suggested for you. I use a high quality two channel preamp, and an inexpensive Dolby digital processor.

The preamp is $14,000.00 in my case, the Dolby processor $700.00. I think the investment is right on as my preference is (as Mikec said) like most members here, preference for near perfection in music and just good quality surround sound.

That being said, my surround is better than any theatre in Dallas, so it is certainly not hard to live with.
Albert-I hate to break it to you but bose doesn't make a $14,000 preamp :) but good try!
I own a pair of 10T's, a McCormack DNA-2 LAE amp, Sony SCD-1, and a Primare P30 pre/pro for my 2-channel system.

The Primare P30 is a bare-bones pre/pro with a music first objective in it's design and is 100% analog in by-pass mode.

I've compared the P30 in my home with a CJ-PV14 and Electrocompaniet preamps. No comparison. These other two preamps were simply too subdued in their presentation when compared to the P30.

I then compared the P30 in my home with a burned-in Ayre K3-X. Although, in some respects the Ayre was more musical, it appeared to be at the expense of coloration and a subdued midrange. The P30 was much more transparent and detailed.

The P30 retails for $3500-$4000 depending on who you talk to. I've only seen one other in audiogon that also has a P30 and he felt the same way.

I like Lexicon but probably not in the same purist sense that many look at it - they have the only truly upgradeable processor, and that's because they offer generous tradein allowances on legacy processors when they come out with something new. That's the only way that "upgradeable" means anything to me.

I don't agree with the sentiment that all surround processors basically sound the same and that "good enough" will do. True if you're really avid about your music but just enjoy movies. Lexicon uses their own proprietary Logic7 surround algorithms, so it's also not true that they're all based on the same technology. I owned the MC-1 for a couple years and it's definitely not the last word in 2-channel reproduction, but it's a real nice product IMO, and you can currently get them for less than $2500 used which is an excellent deal in my opinion. Even if you ultimately add a dedicated preamp for music (a good suggestion if you can ultimately swing it), it's not overkill for HT-only. I'd recommend that you find out whether the MC-1 you were to purchase used has already been traded in (Lexicon could tell you from the serial #) because each unit is only valid on trade in a single time.

A lot of people who buy the Lexicon processor want to (and do) use the Music7 surround logic to do multi-channel reproduction from 2-channel sources. If that holds no interest to you, you'll be missing what many consider to be a major selling point of the Lexicon (including JGH, for what it's worth). I haven't used any of the other processors you mention, so my comments are in comparison, but are based on owning a succession of the Lexicon processors (on the MC-12 now). -Kirk