need help with 5 channel amp

I have paradigm studio 100s and I am in desperate need of an amp. I am looking at the Parasound 2205, anthem mca5, ATI 1505, and the outlaw amp. I am on a budget and will buy used. The ATI worries me because it only has 150 watts and I think I will need more power then that. I am sure the parasound is the best but it also is the most expensive and I would have to buy it used. Also I liston to 2 channel music a lot so which one of these amps would be best for that. What would you all choose.
What kind of a budget, if you don't mind? 1K, 5K? You can get some pretty good used stuff for cheap. If you are considering Parasound, you might try Acurus as well. They make a 125x5, but they also have a 200x3 and a 200x2. Good clean power for not a lot of money.
Go with a used Parasound or Acurus. Both make a 5 channel. I've seen the Acurus used for $1250. I haven't looked at Paradigm speakers for several years, but if I remember correctly they are fairly easy to drive. Are you sure you need more than 150 watts--or even that much? Both the Parasound and the Acurus pack a pretty big punch. You might audition these amps new in a store with some comperable speakers to help you zero in on the one you like. Good luck.
I use the Anthem MCA 5 in my home theater setup. It has 200 x 5. The new mkii version can be had new for about $1000. There is even an add on this site for them. I have been happy with the sound of it.
When I was looking, it came down to two the ATI 1505 and the Sunfire Cinema Grande. The ATI was just as strong as the Sunfire in all regards. I was leaning towards the ATI until I found a Sunfire for $1250. So I have a Sunfire Cinema Grande and have been pleased with it but, IMHO I would have been happy either way. Classe also makes a very nice 5 channel that would easily compare to the ones you have been naming. Earthquake Cinenova has been highly reviewed also. Hope that helps, good luck.