9B-ST for Home Theater Amp

I am using an Acurus 125x5 for the home theater surround setup, but I think my speakers need something with more bass control. The "slam" that I like is just not there in the mid-bass and lower frequencies. Can I get that out of a Bryston 9B-ST? I have the 4B-ST for my separate audio system, and the thing rocks. I'm worried that with a 9B I'm basically just buying 5 3Bs. Anyone have any other recommendations aside from Bryston? I thought about waiting around for the new 6B-ST and combining it with a 4B-ST, but then of course I'd have to get a new amp for my audio system. Ahh, decisions, decisions. Input would be appreciated.
Having auditioned the same Acurus at hom with Aerial 6's, I found a similar lack of weight. I traded up to the larger 3 channel B&K, which was better, but ultimately to a 9b. Very, very satisfied; you are not buying 5 3b's. I have reconfigured into a larger system using Aerial 8's, and added two 7bs'. The 8's definetely benefited from the extra power, and I was pleased with the intergration of the three amps. Unless your speakers really need the extra juice, however, I don't think you can go wrong with a 9B.
Proceed Amp 5. Saw one on this site for around $3K yesterday. About the same power, though doesn't have the hundred year warranty or the big gnarly handles option. I like Bryston, but the Amp 5 is worth a look if you need a 5 ch. amp. Should have all the big tight bass slam you could ever want.
I'm not sure what speakers you use, but here's another suggestion. A while back I went from an Acurus A250 to an Aragon 8008BB. The first thing I noticed was more "bass slam." Based on that, I think you might get similar results from an Aragon 8008x5. I've listened to both Aragon 8008BB and the Bryston 4BST and while they do not sound exactly the same, the Aragon and Bryston have some of the same strengths including controlled "bass slam".
I am currently running a Bryston 4B-ST for my front speakers (Vandersteen 3A Signatures), and a 5B-ST for the center channel and rear surrounds (Vandersteen VCC-1 center, and Coincident Triumph Signatures rears), and my system definitely has all the "slam", dynamics, and power that I need. Since you already own the 4B-ST, and want to ensure that your system has the power you want, I'd suggest you buy the 6B-ST. I have already talked to the dealer where I bought my 4B-ST, and he will sell the 6B-ST for around $2800 (versus $3800 MSRP). If you want to contact my dealer, drop me a private E-mail and I will give you the contact information.
Thanks for the responses. I auditioned Aragon (Palladium, 8008) and Proceed when I was looking for my audio amp. I settled on the 4B-ST. My impressions were as follows:

Aragon - musical
Proceed - raunchy power
B&K - had punch, sort of
Bryston - pure control

The Bryston literally tamed the bass drivers into submission. And that's really what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info, Sdcampell, on the 6B-ST, but I have a pretty good relationship with my dealer. I know he'll cut me a good price. I have thought about going with the 5B for the center and rears like you mentioned. Possibly an 8B to bump up the power for the center channel. Have you noticed any sound drop-off or sluggishness in your center or rears because of the power varience between the 4B and the 5B? That is my main reason for waiting on the 6B.