9B-ST for Home Theater Amp

I am using an Acurus 125x5 for the home theater surround setup, but I think my speakers need something with more bass control. The "slam" that I like is just not there in the mid-bass and lower frequencies. Can I get that out of a Bryston 9B-ST? I have the 4B-ST for my separate audio system, and the thing rocks. I'm worried that with a 9B I'm basically just buying 5 3Bs. Anyone have any other recommendations aside from Bryston? I thought about waiting around for the new 6B-ST and combining it with a 4B-ST, but then of course I'd have to get a new amp for my audio system. Ahh, decisions, decisions. Input would be appreciated.
Has anyone compared the bryston to earthquake casa nova grande? It was reveiwed as the best for 2 or multi channel ever bar none by home theater magazine.The ead has also been highly reveiwed for its two channel abilitys.The 2001 sght has no bryston amp near the top and has not reveiwed the eartquake as of yet.
To answer the post above, check the 9B-THX review that Stereophile did (Vol.23 No.9) - also check Bryston's site for more reviews. Looking through my 2001 Recommended Components list from Stereophile I show they rated it Class A.

Like SD, I am an unapologetic fan of Bryston. In fact, I run the 4BST and 5BST in my HT arrangement. Have listened to the 9B any number of times and think, quite simply, you can't miss if that's the one you settle for. Superb piece. It's what I would have bought had I not already owned the 4B, which I am unwilling to part with. SD's right: Bryston amps are very conservatively rated and behave as though they are a lot more powerful than published specs.

Figure out those things most important to you and let them drive your decision: sound, quality of construction, warranty, your tendency to buy the latest and greatest toys, what have you. If you like to settle on something for the long pull, you'll have to look long and hard to find something other than Bryston to fill that bill better. For some people it's Krell, others, CJ, Levinson, McIntosh, Pass. All great stuff.

The equipment from the folks at Bryston does just fine for me. OTOH, if you're a compulsive upgrader, buy whatever suits your fancy. I don't have the budget for that indulgence, but salute anyone who does.
I have to agree with those of you who support Bryston amps I have had a lot of experience with a number of mega $ amps, like Krell (hard and shrill), Levinson (sublime but buckish), Aragon, Classe, Audio Research, etc blah blah, and none of them offers anywhere near the value and performance of the Bryston amps.....I think if you are building a world class digital theater system and you aren't using Bryston amps, you might as well feed your money to the cat!
So is the 9b a multi channel amp, because i am talking multi channel amps and sght,has no brystons near the top,only ead and aragon.The reason i need an amp to do both is iv'e heard the 4bst is not great with theils but other,and i am not talking levinson or krell amps can drive the big thiels with 100 watts rms, this tells me maybe bryston,s are maybe only good with easy to drive speakers.I am not hear to slam brystons,just asking if anyone compared earthquake or ead with one.This is not the kind of info you can find in a reveiw,so i am asking owners. A 20 year warranty,i could live without but great sonics on 2 and multi channel from the same amp,i can't.