These are the best Solid State Amps

Hi, these are the best Solid State Amps i'v heard. BAT VK 500, Mcintosh MC 352, Alchemist Statement, Meridian 557 Amps bridged, Levinson 335, Classe S1000, Roland 7s, GOLDMUND Mimesis 9
Doug, I am curious, because I have Classe 401 and I often wonder if I would be happier with a Levinson 335.
Pre is Lev. 380S and B&W802N on the other end. I spoke to a dealer who carries both amps and he seemed to think B&W was better in midrange with Classe. Any opinion?
Threshold SA/1's (Mono-Blocks). Nelson Pass's masterpiece while at Threshold in his prime of designing.
Snooker, if you have a local ML dealer, why not take one home and try it? Other than the hospital bills to repair your strained back and the cuts you will get from the heatsinks, it is cheap entertainment.