How important...

How important is the amp you use in a biamping situation for the subwoofers? Some people say that the quality of the amp is as important on the bottom as on top, while others say class d is fine for anything below 80 hz. As long as you have proper power for control is that sufficient? What are your experiences?
it's true, of course, that any high output amp will drive most subwoofers. the quality of the sound you'll get from your subs will, however, be affected by the quality of the amp you use. it is especially important in choosing an amp for bass/sub-bass operation to find on that is fast and carries high current as well as providing high output. i would be loath to use an amp on the lower ranges of my speakers thatÂ’s of inferior quality to that used on the upper ranges. IMO, the better the speakers, the more this applies. -kelly
I agree with Kelly. I have a biamped system (cross over at 125Hz). I'm using a class A amp for the bottom, just because I can't find the same quality amp in a switching amplifier. The switching really wouldn't affect the quality of the sound and it would run cooler (which I would really like)--but you do need two amps that perform at the same quality level if you have high resolution speakers and subs. The other thing to consider is how that amp performs on bass--some are better than others. I'm using a bass amp that has a high damping factor which works for my speakers on the bottom end. I also want the bass to have authority and not be soft at all--so that too played a role in my decision.
Ah, the old "who's on top" debate. I have found that being on the top is just as good as being on the's all a matter of which brings you pleasure........