Help Wanna Buy Amp Tomorrow : ARC VS BAT

Please help! I want to buy amp and preamp tommorow !
Righ now i used : scd1,335,380s,mezzo utopia,ultra balanced,XLSS speaker cable and PS 600.

I want to upgrade with all tube because i've heard that if you want to heard MUSIC used tube !! SS for hifi !! (is that right ? )

My choice so far ARC vt100mkIII with LS25mk2 or BAT vk75se and vk 50se !!

Which one is better ? and how much the different with my SUCK solid states ? ( I'ven't heard Tube at all )

Please give me the nuetral advice because i'm tired to losse money with always change equiptment !!

Or how about another type or even product, don't worry about my budget as long as i can heard real music !

Thanks for all information !!
Well I have the ARC components you are talking about and I am totally satisfied with them VT 100MKIII and LS 25 MKII. Everyone that hears my system says it is really something special. I can't imagine anything being more musical.
Thanks, for your information.
What cable and speakers do you have ? What is/compare with your amp/preamp before ?
if you are tired of losing money, then stop soliciting advice and listen for yourself and buy what sounds best to you. One mans garbage is anothers mans gold, and vice versa.