superbit? What is it?

I just bought another DVD to add to my collection. I had a choice to buy the fifth element on regular dvd or superbit. Difference in price is $10.00; don't mind spending the extra, but can anyone tell me if there is truely a difference in sound? Also will superbit be the next generation of dvd's and should I be buying them? Just looking for some help from the guru dvd experts. As always, thanx for your help in advance. Pete
Thanx you all for your time. I've noticed everyone has seen an improvement in video, but how about audio? I do agree with the above, I myself never waste my time with trailers, deleted scenes. I say just give me the best audio/video you can and leave out the rest or for those who enjoy it, have a collector's edition. Pete
Just thought I'd chime in with my one "sb" experience. I rented Dracula. I have the Pan rb91,and a Sharp projector. For some reason or other I had to turn off "prgressive" for this disc.--Once I did this the picture was stunning.On DTS audio-- I have the DTS Dances/W. W.--2 disc set. This is one of a hand full of "FULL-BIT RATE" DTS discs.(Something in the neighborhood of 1700 bits) The sound doesn't do anything spectacular for me. (Good wine waisted on swine?)
I guess I can comment on the audio.

I can really only comment on The Fifth Element, as it's the only disc I've seen enough to know the soundtrack well enough.

The DD track is slightly better than the old version. There's a bit more detail to it than old version had as the old DD track was compressed more than the Superbit version is.

I didn't care for the DTS mix on it though. You can argure all you want as to which is better DTS or DD. It's more about the mix, than it is about the compression scheme. I usually preffer a DTS track. Though sometimes the difference is non-existant. And sometimes the DD track is better, as I feel it is on the Superbit Fifth Element.

Though if you really want the best audio track, go with the LD release.
I was under the impression that Dolby Digital and DTS had fixed compression rates (unlike, say, MP3s). In that case, the soundtrack on both standard and superbit DVDs would be identical unless the studio went to the trouble of remastering--and why would they do that?