New Rega Apollo-R

I just wanted to give a big thumbs up to my new Apollo. I just replaced my old Rotel CD player and straight out of the box I couldn't be happier. Boy does this new source make my system sound so much better.

My system is a PrimaLuna Classic Integrated tube amp, Totem Aro's, and Wavelength Proton DAC, interconnects are Kimber Kable PBJ or Timbre's. The sound difference between the DAC and the original CD player isn't real big so I was expecting an improvement but not this great.
Stage seems much bigger, clarity and separation better, with still really nice musicality (if that's the right word for the music still being cohesive).
I debuted it with US3 Cantaloop (flip fantasia) for it's solos and blend of horns, percussion, piano and vocals. I know that this "review" is pre-mature as it's all so new and that's all I had time to listen to so far but I was so happy I wanted to voice it to some folks who would understand. Tomorrow more vocals, and guitar but from what I heard so far I expect to be just as pleased.
This is a very solid performer and a fantastic transport. I'm running mine with a Decware DAC, Manley electronics and Penaudio Cenya monitors. As a transport, a giant killer.
Once it gets broken in and you've had some time to listen to it, try it as a CD player. The DAC in your Rega is excellent. You may prefer it.
Without creating a similar post, let me ask those who once owned or heard the original Apollo, IF THE APOLLO-R is that much better than the original?? Or, just marginally so?? The ads say so, but the few reviews I've read seemed to be less unenthusiastic about the player. Does it approach the performance of the Rega Saturn???

Also, I have seen at least 20 Apollo-R's on sale on Audiogon over the last year. That to me is a "red flag" that this player may not be as good as expected or claimed by some reviewers.