Amp vs AMP

?? what would you pick and why?
or McINTOSH MC2000 Tube
Speakers are JMLAB Mezzo/UTOPIA* Martin Logan Prodigy
Music type: Jazz/Rock and Roll Vocal CD player&Mostly FMtuner
Need Some advice
Ag insider logo xs@2xmp10019
Read the Classe Omega review-I believe they used your speakers and loved the combination
liguy, have ewe ever listened to a quality tuna? i tink yude be amazed by the sound quality...

regards, doug

ps - lotsa folks are still waiting for yer comments about running yer speakers single-wire in your *stunned* thread...

c'mon punks, ping me w/negative wotes *again*!!! *i* can take it!!! i also stand by my *legitimate* comments! ;~)

doug s.

ps - sorry, mp, about the limited amp info, but i suggest inwestigating electrompaniet amplifiers - wery nice amps, imho. electrocompaniet seems to appeal to a lot of folks that like toob-equipment...