Whats the coolest sounding movie?

Ok so whats the best movie that you use to Demo when you want to impress your friends.What movie and or scene? I like to use the begining part of Pearl Harbor when they start to attack pearl harbor.I have 2 Sunfire Signatures that knock the wind out of my buddies every time!
Videohydra, I agree with you completely, as far as the audio is concerned. I have friends come to my house and they tell me that the sound is better than at the movies. However there is nothing that compares with watching a movie on a thirty or more foot screen. Even though DVDs on a HD monitor, can offer a clearer and sharper picture, I still think there are some movies that need a grander presentation. Star Wars II is one in particular that was awesome at the cinema, but just great at home. If you are lucky enough to have an 8 or 10 foot screen, then my hat's off to you. Also I enjoy making the comparisons, and for me it's usually video, at the movies, always audio at home.
I agree with you guys.Certain movies demand a bigger presentation and you need to see them in the theater,but hearing them in your own home with better equipment is far more fun!Time from the movies to DVD release is now down to about 2-3 months.
To continue a bit with the last three posts, you should look into a home projector. One that can can do real good high definition. I have a Dukane projector and the picture is eight feet wide and the home movies are fantastic.

And I can stop it for popcorn anytime I want.
I go with The Fifth Element. Great sound effects in the fight scenes, the infamous Blue Diva music scene, and Milla Jovovich for those who could care less about the sound.

The villians are hilarious, the dialog idiotic and it has great partial nudity. Jim Bob gives it two thumbs up.
For sheer mayhem True Lies will give your system a good workout. Especially the scenes with the Harrier jet. A good sounding movie with music by Ry Cooder is Geronimo. If you want to test your subwoofer the cave scene in Aladdin will definitly get your attention. A great all around good sounding movie is [don't laugh now] Casper. Recorded by the legendary Shawn Murphy. Check out the wrecking ball into the Land Rover sequence.