Which 16:9, 46" RPT--Toshiba v. Sony

Due to space (and wife) constraints, I need to get a 46" RPT. I'm having a hard time deciding between the new Toshiba 46in. Cinema Series that comes out next month ($2000) or the Sony KP-46WT500 available now for $1600. Apparentely the Toshiba will have upgrade any signal to 1080i. The Sony probably doesn't have as many bells and whistles. Does anyone have either of these??
Also, any other models in that price range I should look at. Thanks in advance
honestly, i'd avoid both - pioneer (especially the pioneer elite line) makes the best rptv's on the market. period.
Lazarus28 is right Pioneer Elite Rear Proj. are the best, period! If you don't have a budget of 3000 clams & can't fit a 50" floor model Pioneer? I would look at Mitsubishi 46" table top it IMO has a better picture than any Toshiba & Sony Models. Good Luck, as I know you can go batty comparing!
I have to agree with both of the other respondents. Pioneer Elite is the Premier Rear Projection TV (RPT) manufacturer, and Mitsubishi is the next best. (I have the Mitsubishi 46" Table Top myself, as it was about 1/3 less than the Pioneer Elite). The regular pioneer line is almost as good as the Mitsubishi.
Note, that the 46" Mitsubishi is discontinued, although they now have both a 42" table top, and a free standing 48" RPT.

Good Luck!