Not sure if I am clear on for what you are asking.
The best player for under 1,000 that will handle DVD,
DVD-A, and CD?
The best UNIVERSAL player, meaning a player that will
handle all of those PLUS SACD and most all other 5" discs.
If the question is the former...
I would suggest putting the Denon 1600 and Pansonic XP-50
on your list of players to consider.
If it is the latter...
I would suggest the Yamaha s2300 or Denon 2900.
Another way to go might be to get a Philips 963sa
and a Panasonic XP-50. That way, in two boxes, you've
got all your needs covered and probably get better sound
than any one box U-player.
If you move your budget up to 2,000....
I would HIGHLY suggest:
Denon 1600 or Pansonic XP-50 ------ $300 [Used]
Sony SCD XA777ES ------------------ 1,600 [used]
For a total of less than 2,000 [used] you get a
reference CD and SACD player [rated A+ by Stereophile
if that means anything to you] a top DVD player, free
of the Chroma bug, high scorers on both Secrets of
Home Theatre and The Absolute Sound shoot-outs --
Excellent sound and picture -- FAR FAR FAR better
sound than you will get from either the Yamaha,
Denon, Onkyo, or Pioneer Universal-players.
Hope that helps.