Best HTIB??? Need help

Gee....i found this super,duper deal and just wanted some positive reinforcement 'fore I plunk down my hard earned cash. If you could please, please, please check it out for me I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance!
Sorry I didn't mean vague,I meant the descriptions sound like they are in vogue.
"Yup get it and charge $5 to your friends and neighbours-you'll have your money back in no time"
Gee...that's a little high but I guess I could include popcorn and sodas!

"Sorry I didn't mean vague,I meant the descriptions sound like they are in vogue."
That's OK...I screw up sometimes too!
Dragon,just make sure you don't screw up here-don't lose this auction proxy bid 10$k at least-it's a bargain.
Distortion...I checked with the manufacturer and it does not come with wheels. Do you see this as a major problem?

Also...I'm having a little trouble finding the specs on the Onkio Premium sorround sound receiver...I'm pretty good with the internet and all and it's as if it doesn't even exist. Appreciate any info on this unit. Thanks again!
"Dragon,just make sure you don't screw up here-don't lose this auction proxy bid 10$k at least" 5 bucks a shot...that'd be 10000 divided by 5...uhmm, that'd be like 200 give or take a few tickets I'd have to sell...minus popcorn and beer....hmmmm!?!? Well I wouldn't expect to get ALL my money back, but maybe a little anyway.