Have Runco Cinemapro 750 What Line doublers?

Does anyone know of a source of information to find out what is availible to use on the Runco Cinemapro 750 to help remove the horizontal lines.
Could not find any info o nteh Runco site and was wondering what brands and / or models would work to help solve this problem.
Thanks Phil
There are a lot of doublers and video processing units out there. You can go with something as economical as an iScan Ultra for around $1,000.00, to the megabuck stuff from Faroudja. (I can't afford the Faroudja stuff, and theiScan Ultra does a great job for me)
If you don't get much response here, try A/V Sciences.com and Hometheaterforum.com, or, of course, a good dealer.
you can often get a very good deal on the faroudja stuff here on audiogon if you are willing to wait
the runco is an excellent projector
I myself have a faroudja vp201 doubler feeding my electrohome marquee and am very happy with the results
it is up to you
good luck
and enjoy
Thanks for the response,..
I have contacted Runco and found out that this model will not handle a line doubler. Something about not having a high enough frequency.
Thanks Phil