NHT SW2P not enough?

Having a problem with my NHT sub . . . . for soundtracks and music, it sounds fine -- tight, solid, plenty of oomph. But when it comes to HT transients, like explosions, the impact just isn't there. I've played around some with positioning, but not a lot. I do have a pretty large room, and the SW2P is only a 10" driver with an 80 watt amp.

Do I need a) a sub with more power, b) a sub with better extension, or c) a lesson in subwoofer placement?

Any help appreciated!
What main speakers are you using the SW2P with? How big is your room? How loud are you listening in home theater? I have an SW2P also with the MA1 amp (80 wpc). I recently thought of upgrading to another NHT amp such as the MA3 with 250 wpc, but NHT said the SW2P wouldn't take that much power, but I could add a second woofer, however their current models would not match the driver in the SW2P. I also don't have the room for a second sub.I bought a used REL from a friend instead. I received an article explaining why 2 subs are better than one. Do you have the room to use 2 subs? If you do, that would be an option to explore. I may put up my SW2P for sale on Audiogon if I don't use it in my kids playroom soundsystem.
Howard (docradman@aol.com)
Here are my specs:

Room size is about 12' x 25', give or take, but it's also open on one side (to the kitchen and hallway). Ceilings are 9 1/2 feet.

I've got lots of space in the room for a second sub, but not much up with the other gear -- my 51" TV, dual centers, L/R mains, and rack have taken up most of that 12' in width.

My main L/R speakers are NHT 2.3As, centers are a pair of 1.3As wired in parallel. They've been being driven by an older Denon receiver, but as of the end of this week they will be feeding off of a Rotel 985 MKII.

I don't listen at earthshattering levels, but when something explodes you should feel it . . . .

I originally had the sub located in the front right corner of the room, but I got horrible resonances from the walls of the room -- just that kind of humming that you feel going right through your sinuses ;-0). So I moved it out from both walls, and it now sounds much cleaner and tighter, just not enough slam for HT stuff.

I've heard lots of different things about two subs -- it's good, it's bad . . . . I'd certainly appreciate any opinions on that, too -- SW2Ps are certainly cheap enough used.

Thanks for all the opinions so far!!
"I've heard lots of different things about two subs -- it's good, it's bad . ."

Its never bad, you won't create problems. Lots of professionals have setups with stereo subwoofers. Question is just "what's best for your setup and wanting more output?"

I won't recommend alot, but maybe look around this site some www.adireaudio.com

and this specific model seemed designed for what you want.


If you could get an audition with a return policy ir would be a sure-fire way to know if its your thing. The prices are very reasonable and maybe within your budget (1/2 the price of sunfire). Alot of DIY'er love'm and you could email for there experiences/opinions.
Actually, as it turns out, the problem has taken care of itself. I hooked up the Rotel 985 to my 2.3A front speakers today, and miraculously an extra 40-50Hz of bass appeared! (Guess I should have expected that.) With the front speakers now putting out a healthy amount of low frequency energy, I have plenty of bass with just the one sub.

Thanks for all the suggestions, though!