What SS amp has the fastest warm-up time


I am looking for a SS amp that sounds optimal within one hour of turn on from dead cold (not Stand-by). Please provide any suggestions. I like Levinsons but the stand-by idle of 200W power draw seems substantial. I might go to tubes because most sound good after only one hour. Thanks!

Thanks for all your responses! You guys got me thinking that stand-by might not be bad after all. The other issue is that it seems like I'm leaving a 200 watt halogen light on 24/7 and that seems to be a waste. Doesn't stand-by cause excess wear and tear on parts?
Kw6,the only one I know is the Classé DR3VHC.Plus the VHC will drive any load easely .
While opinions vary on the topic of "on vs off" and life expectancy of gear, i am a FIRM believer in leaving amps & preamps ON all the time. My only hesitation for "always on" is something with an LCD display such as transports, tuners, etc... that will "burn out" or tube type power amps where they are dissipating a lot of power at idle. Otherwise, there is more damage done to equipment due to "inrush current" than there is in letting it idle so long as the unit has more than adequate ventilation. Sean