Is there an easy to use vcr?

My tv and dvd sound are played through a good sound system, anchored by a Threshold S300 amplifier. So, my sound is good, coming through the small Magnepans. There is a need for a vcr, though I know they may be becoming dinosaurs. It is important that the vcr be easy to use - does such an item exist? A very old one that I have and which has died is a nightmare to program - an old Mitsubishi SVHS. It's been a while since any comments were made on Audiogon re vcrs and I hope my inquiry is not too offbase. Thanks.
I bought a panasonic about 1 year ago and nobody can figure it out! I have a few degrees in physics and a pharmacy degree so I'm not technically challenged. The manual is inscrutable and I don't feel like starting a research project to master it. It replaced a 10 year old sony which was a breeze to use & program. I tried getting it back but the guy I gave it to wouldn't trade for the new one!
Get a VCR with "VCR+". Have you ever noticed the six digit numbers in the TV listings in the newspaper or TV Guide? They are the VCR+ numbers. You just enter those six numbers on the remote and it automatically programs the VCR for you.

They also automatically update the clock time if the power goes out. The time and the VCR+ updates are broadcast in the PBS TV signal.
wow Sean I'm glad I read this - I was about ready to try that Super JVC, but first & foremost the wife primarily needs to be able to use it to tape her soaps (ugh).
Sean--Good to know it's not just me who got a little too fascinated with a piece of electronics and bought it without performing "due diligence," so to speak! ;-) (My God!! $400 for the JBL Harmony, piece pf junk glorified alarm clock! Aaarggh!!!!)